Focus, Tracking, Intervening and Refocusing:
Essential Practice Skills and Self-supervision Skills
Presenter: Lillian Buchanan, PhD, Certified EFT supervisor
Fridays, Jan 27, Feb 24, Mar 24, Apr 28, 2023
1pm - 4pm (PDT) Online - $250
CEU’s: most likely (application in the works)
Sticky Situations? We all have our list, don’t we?
• The Withdrawer who leaves the building mentally rather than talk about feelings.
• The Pursuer who vents non-stop.
• The Burnt Out Pursuer who verbally pummels their partner when s/he tries to engage. • The couple who yell at each other aggressively and won’t stop.
This Webinar series is designed to help you identify new approaches to such sticky or stuck situations, and bring these approaches into your practice so that you can actually use them with your couples.
You will be watching 5-8 minute clips of your own work* supported by an Experiential Helper and another participant to prepare you to -
learn how to increase your options when you find yourself faced with a sticky situation.
And you will practice using these new approaches in small manageable steps in ways that integrate them into your way of doing EFT.
You will watch video clips of trainers and other masters to see what they do in sticky situations, or how they avoid sticky situations, so that you can adopt their best moves and make them your own.
We will use the Focusing/Tracking/Intervening/Re-focusing pattern along with the Tango and the Steps and Stages to locate and understand the masters’ moves.
After each of the four webinars, you will go home with new approaches in hand to continue honing new moves and then using those moves with your couples.
This will be a very active webinar with guided and supported experiential exercises making up the majority of the time.
* You will be watching or listening to a few minutes of one of your sessions on your phone or tablet with ear buds or air pods so that you can hear and then share your responses with two others in your breakout room, but the others will hear only what you’re saying and nothing from your session.
Target audience: This workshop is for all levels of experience from Externship on, but it does require that you be able to prepare brief audio (and/or video) clips of your work (for your ears and eyes only) and have the audio clip on your phone for example and available to play to yourself during the webinar with ear buds or air pods.
Lillian Buchanan, PhD is an EFT Certified therapist and supervisor.
Lillian co-developed the Attachment-Injury Repair Model (AIRM) online training program with Lorrie Brubacher, M.Ed., LMFT ( Attachmentinjuryrepair.com/about ).
Co-developed The EFT Lab with Jennifer Olden, LMFT ( TheEFTLab.com )
winning the first innovation in training award from ICEEFT.